Kamis, 01 Maret 2012

Colon Health For Men

Colon Health For Men

Listen up gents. There's something you need to know about your health and risk factors for a common cancer. New evidence suggests that men are twice as likely to develop colorectal cancer at an earlier age than women. And the kicker - it's usually preventable.

According to a new study, published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, men between 45 and 49 frequently develop the advanced polyp, called an adenoma, that can lead to colorectal cancer. That's a decade earlier than women, and surprised many experts in the medical community.

The study, conducted by Austrian researchers between 2007 and 2010, consisted of 44,350 men and women with an average age of 60. Each participant underwent a colonoscopy, in which a small camera is inserted up the rectum and into the colon to check for cancerous and precancerous growths.

Unpleasant, yes. But the colonoscopy is considered the gold standard in detection of colorectal cancer. In the Austrian study, just over 60% of participants had a clean slate, with no abnormalities detected.

Yet 18.5% of men aged 50 to 54 had adenomas compared to 10.7% of women in the same age bracket. Men were twice as likely to develop advanced adenomas at a younger age and, yes, twice as likely to get diagnosed with colorectal cancer as women.
What is Colorectal Cancer?

Colorectal cancer is a cancer of the colon, rectum or vermiform appendix; it is the third most commonly diagnosed cancer in the world.

Estimates suggest that 100,000 new cases of colorectal cancer will be diagnosed in 2011, with roughly 50,000 deaths. While cases emerge globally, it is more common in developed countries. Risk factors include:
polyps of the colon
family history of cancer
a diet high in red meat, low in fruits and vegetables
physical inactivity
low levels of selenium

Not surprisingly, many of these factors can also inflame the delicate lining of the gastrointestinal tract. With symptoms including constipation and diarrhea, gas and bloating, fatigue and poor nutrient absorption, it's not an extraordinary leap from this common ailment to increased risk of colorectal cancer. And as we've seen, that risk might appear earlier in men than once anticipated.

Early screening can improve one's chances of survival. Studies show that, in the United Kingdom, 90% of patients survive beyond five years if it's treated in the first or second stage.

Rates of survival plunge beyond the second stage, with a roughly 50% chance of five years or more at stage three, and less than seven per cent at stage four.
What's the Deal With Colon-Cleansing?

Digestive Science Intensive Colon Cleanse is strategically formulated for colon health and good digestive function. Consider the following points:

First, Intensive Colon Cleanse employs the latest in digestive research for ongoing health of your digestive system. With its three part natural therapy, of a ten-day gentle cleanse, probiotic support and an ongoing fiber and nutrient supplement, it's ideal to soothe inflammation of the GI tract so often suffered from the wear-and-tear of our hectic schedules.

Second, unlike most colon cleanse systems, Intensive Colon Cleanse doesn't blast the colon with harsh laxatives. Rather, it's a gentle process, of beneficial vitamins and nutrients, including magnesium, selenium and the super-food chia. Evidence suggests that among other things, selenium deficiencies may increase risk of colorectal cancer.

Finally, when you listen to your body, and watch your colon health, it's fair to say you're aware of colorectal cancer and you're more likely to pursue the recommended colonoscopy that's so important in detection of this common disease. And if the results of the Austrian study bear any weight, men should undergo a colonoscopy as early as 45, then once a decade after that.

What does this all mean? Colon health matters, gentleman. Live well, get the colonoscopy to scan for colorectal cancer. And restart your body, with reduction of digestive problems like gas and constipation, with Digestive Science Intensive Colon Cleanse. Do these things, for your health, your happiness and peace of mind.
For more information  official website

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